Nation Health MD
N-Balance 8

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$55.8 Per Bottle

YOU SAVE: $79.2

By selecting "Subscribe & Save" option above, you agree to receive a shipment of N-Balance 8 every 6 months. You are authorizing us to charge your credit card every 6 months, matching the package you have selected. Coupon or discount codes can only be applied to initial purchases and such discounts do not apply to future autoship products. You can stop shipments at any time in your customer account or by calling our customer support team toll free at (800) 490-3169, Mon - Sun 24/7, Outside the US, call us at +1-703-584-5395. All terms & conditions apply

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Enjoy a FULL YEAR to try N-Balance 8 and experience the results for yourself. If you’re not 100% SATISFIED – simply let us know and we’ll gladly refund your money – guaranteed.

N-Balance 8

N-Balance 8 N-Balance 8 N-Balance 8 N-Balance 8 N-Balance 8

N-Balance 8

Support Healthy Nerves and Enjoy Your Hobbies Again! Each premium quality natural ingredient in N-BALANCE 8 by Nation Health MD is backed by evidence to support healthy nerve function. Premium botanicals and nutrients nourish pathways of healthy myelin insulation regeneration, nerve signaling, and small nerve functions. It also delivers formidable antioxidants that support free radical defense, healthy immune responses, blood vessels, and optimal oxygen and nutrient delivery. N-BALANCE 8 nourishes and fortifies nerve health!



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Essential for healthy nerve function and glucose control! Vitamin D3 is essential for healthy nerve function. D3 also maintains healthy blood vessels and the ability to sense cold temperatures. Plus, this sunshine vitamin supports healthy small nerve fiber function.

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Riboflavin for nerves! Riboflavin transporters support healthy nerve signals or impulses, muscle function, hearing, sensations in hands and feet, eating actions, and respiration. In addition, optimal vitamin B2 levels support the metabolism of other B Vitamins critical to healthy nerve function.

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Vital for healthy nerve messaging! Pyridoxine aids in producing 5 neurotransmitters used by nerves to carry electrical impulses between cells. B6 is essential in building protective myelin insulation and optimizes impulse messaging.

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Supports myelin insulation! Vitamin B12 nourishes nerve regeneration by boosting protein synthesis and supports healthy myelin sheath insulation and nerve signaling. B12 helps maintain healthy nerves.

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Supports nerve impulses! ALCAR helps normalize electrical nerve impulses, promotes healthy peripheral nerve cell growth, and vibration sensation. And ALCAR is vital to assist mitochondria in producing the cellular energy required for healthy nerve function and regeneration.

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ALA maintains healthy nerve function! ALA optimizes healthy immune marker activity significantly. Remarkably, it acts as a water and fat-soluble antioxidant supporting the free radical oxidative defense of nerves, blood vessels, and organs. That means it can penetrate nerves (made up of protein and fatty substances), aiding oxidative defense from the inside. And it can regenerate other antioxidants, such as potent glutathione, increasing your body’s antioxidant capacity. ALA also plays a critical role in mitochondrial cellular energy, which is necessary for nerve regeneration and function. And ALA can enter the blood-brain barrier (BBB), supporting healthy neurons and brain functions.

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Beneficial Benfotiamine helps maintain healthy nerves! This form of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) is 3.6 times better absorbed and multiplies metabolic activity by a factor of 120. Being fat-soluble improves its ability to penetrate nerves. Benfotiamine supports the biochemical pathways of small blood vessels. It also activates the enzyme that defends against AGEs, supporting the healthy endothelial function of blood vessels. Plus, it supports healthy electrical signaling speed and blood sugar HbA1c levels.

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Skullcap supports healthy nerves! Skullcap supports emotional health and slows nerve impulses by optimizing blood flow to the brain. It also supports healthy immune responses to nerves. And studies show Skullcap’s flavonoid Baicalin has essential antioxidant properties that help free radical defense.

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RALA is a potent free radical scavenger that can delay or reduce nerve decay and its symptoms! Imbalanced blood glucose increases free radicals, which starve nerves of oxygen, causing impairment. RALA increases your body’s natural antioxidant glutathione activity, delaying and alleviating peripheral nerve symptoms caused by impaired blood sugar metabolism. RALA is the only form that functions as a co-factor for mitochondrial enzymes involved in energy production. Studies show it significantly reduces the intensity, burning, unpleasantness, and superficial discomfort.

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Fabulous Feverfew regenerates nerve growth! Exciting recent studies show a compound called parthenolide accelerates nerve re-growth and improve its functional outcome. It helps reduce immunity markers of hyperactive immunity associated with neuropathy. Feverfew also helps reduce your discomfort!

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Oat Straw Extract helps glycemic control! It can help reduce nerve dysfunction symptoms, including itchy or irritated skin, swelling, hyperactive immunity markers, and discomfort. It also improves peripheral blood flow to the hands and feet, supporting nutrient and oxygen delivery for regeneration. And it soothes the nervous system and eases feelings of jitteriness!

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Passionflower calms the overactive impaired nerves! This hypersensitive nervous system and discomfort often leads to feelings of nervousness and interrupts sleep. Passionflower increases the neurotransmitter GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid), which slows brain activity. Passionflower calms both emotional and physical nerves and helps you sleep!


More than 100 billion nerve cells run throughout your body. The nervous system is composed of two distinct parts: 1) The Central Nervous System (CNS), which includes the brain and spinal cord, and 2) The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS), which encompasses all the nerves that extend from the spinal cord throughout your body. For our purposes, we'll focus on the PNS. The PNS includes nerves that connect the brain's (cranial) nerves to the head, face, eyes, nose, muscles, and ears. And 31 pairs of spinal nerves extend to the rest of the body and extremities. Supporting this complex system is where N-BALANCE 8 by Nation Health MD comes into play.

Damaged Neuron Damaged Neuron Damaged Neuron

More than 100 billion nerve cells run throughout your body. The nervous system is composed of two distinct parts: 1) The Central Nervous System (CNS), which includes the brain and spinal cord, and 2) The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS), which encompasses all the nerves that extend from the spinal cord throughout your body. For our purposes, we'll focus on the PNS. The PNS includes nerves that connect the brain's (cranial) nerves to the head, face, eyes, nose, muscles, and ears. And 31 pairs of spinal nerves extend to the rest of the body and extremities. Supporting this complex system is where N-BALANCE 8 by Nation Health MD comes into play.

Your body uses two pathways to send nerve signals. For example, moving a muscle through the motor nerve pathway (attached to muscles) to pick up a book originates in the brain and is a conscious decision. The other happens through the senses. Like when you touch a hot stove, special sensory receptors in your skin transmit an impulse through the sensory nerve pathway to the brain. N-BALANCE 8 by Nation Health MD is designed with ingredients that support these crucial nerve pathways.

Nerves are groups of individual specialized cells called neurons (nerve cells) that conduct two-way information through electrochemical impulses. The basic structure of a nerve cell has 3 basic parts: 1) cell body (soma), 2) one or more branching dendrites, and 3) a single long branch called the axon. The axon is wrapped in a fatty substance called the myelin sheath that acts like the insulation surrounding an electrical wire. Nerves cannot replicate. However, specialized cells of the PNS nerve fibers called neurilemma help regenerate nerves. N-BALANCE 8 by Nation Health MD aims to nourish and support these essential nerve structures.

Your body uses two pathways to send nerve signals. For example, moving a muscle through the motor nerve pathway (attached to muscles) to pick up a book originates in the brain and is a conscious decision. The other happens through the senses. Like when you touch a hot stove, special sensory receptors in your skin transmit an impulse through the sensory nerve pathway to the brain. N-BALANCE 8 by Nation Health MD is designed with ingredients that support these crucial nerve pathways.

Nerves are groups of individual specialized cells called neurons (nerve cells) that conduct two-way information through electrochemical impulses. The basic structure of a nerve cell has 3 basic parts: 1) cell body (soma), 2) one or more branching dendrites, and 3) a single long branch called the axon. The axon is wrapped in a fatty substance called the myelin sheath that acts like the insulation surrounding an electrical wire. Nerves cannot replicate. However, specialized cells of the PNS nerve fibers called neurilemma help regenerate nerves. N-BALANCE 8 by Nation Health MD aims to nourish and support these essential nerve structures.

Happy Senior Happy Senior Happy Senior

The evidence-backed ingredients in N-BALANCE 8 by Nation Health MD's formulation support healthy nerve functions by helping:

  • Maintain healthy nerve signal speed & small nerve function
  • Optimize healthy nerve signaling
  • Nourish targeted nerve functions
  • Encourage blood flow, oxygen, & nutrient delivery
  • Boost protein synthesis
  • Support healthy myelin nerve insulation
  • Support healthy vibration sensation
  • Support healthy blood vessels & brain functions
  • Support free radical oxidative defense to blood vessels & nerves
  • Support AGEs & homocysteine defense
  • Optimize glucose metabolism & HbA1c levels
  • Support healthy immune marker responses
  • Support emotional health

Strategically formulated N-BALANCE 8 by Nation Health MD supports multiple pathways of healthy nerve functions, including signaling, blood vessels, blood sugar, nutrients, and immunity.

So, grab your supply of N-BALANCE 8 by Nation Health MD today and reclaim your independence to live on your terms!

Strategically formulated N-BALANCE 8 by Nation Health MD supports multiple pathways of healthy nerve functions, including signaling, blood vessels, blood sugar, nutrients, and immunity.

So, grab your supply of N-BALANCE 8 by Nation Health MD today and reclaim your independence to live on your terms!


ABOUT N-Balance 8


Nation Health MD's N-Balance 8 contains a doctor-approved formula that targets nerve health at the cellular level to help you enjoy improved comfort and mobility. Key benefits:

  • RESTORE nutrients for stimulating nerve repair
  • ACCELERATE nerve regeneration
  • IMPROVE small nerve function
  • PROMOTE proper impulse signaling
  • SUPPORT antioxidants for free radical defense
  • CALM overactive nerve impulses
  • INCREASE brain blood flow
  • REDUCE discomfort and itchiness
  • OPTIMIZE sleep quality
  • DECREASE feelings of distress

Put an end to your nerve discomfort with the help of N-Balance 8 by Nation Health MD!



Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA): Studies show ALA promotes mitochondrial energy that stimulates nerves and regenerates nerve fibers, delaying decay and promoting the regeneration of impaired peripheral nerves. As a potent antioxidant, ALA also increases the body’s free radical scavenger, glutathione and activates vitamins C and E and CoQ10, key antioxidants that support nerve health. It also influences AMPK, improving blood sugar metabolism, and removes heavy metals that decay nerves and inhibit discomfort.

R-Alpha-Lipoic Acid (RALA): RALA can delay or reduce nerve decay and its symptoms through its antioxidant properties! Free radical damage from imbalanced glucose levels starves nerves of oxygen. RALA increases your body’s natural antioxidant glutathione activity, delaying and alleviating peripheral nerve symptoms caused by impaired blood sugar metabolism. RALA is the only form that functions as a co-factor for mitochondrial enzymes involved in energy production. Studies show it significantly reduces the intensity, burning, unpleasantness, and superficial discomfort.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR): May improve symptoms in people with nerve aches! Studies demonstrate that ALCAR is effective in alleviating nerve pain symptoms and discomfort, improves vibration perception, and nerve fiber regeneration.

Vitamin D3: Supports healthy small nerve fiber function, glucose metabolism, and blood vessel integrity.

Vitamin B12: Helps build, regenerate, and support the protective myelin sheath insulation of nerves.

Vitamin B6: Boosts the production of neurotransmitters to minimize out-of-control nerve messages from neuropathic receptors that cause disruptive discomfort.

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): Riboflavin aids mitochondrial activities, free radical defense, and reduces excess pro-inflammatory molecules.

Benfotiamine (Vitamin B1): This highly absorbable form of fat-soluble vitamin B1 can penetrate nerves, improve blood vessel integrity, signal speed, and nerve functions.

Feverfew: Feverfew is a daisy-like herb that reduces age-related pro-inflammatory molecules that attack nerves and calms “ouch” receptors.

Oat Straw: Oat straw helps improve healthy blood flow to your hands and feet to nourish your nerves.

Skullcap: This ancient remedy is shown to help your body produce more of the relaxing neurotransmitter, GABA, to calm your stressed-out nerves.

Passionflower: Passionflower increases the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which slows brain activity, calming both emotional and physical nerves, and helps you sleep!

We're committed to improving our formulas based on the latest research, which can affect serving size and cause slight variations in ingredients. Depending on the batch, the number of capsules per bottle may vary due to seasonal changes in the density of natural ingredients, affecting the space the nutrients occupy. Despite these variations, each version supports the same health and wellness benefits. There may be brief delays in website updates, so please refer to the product label for the most accurate information.


Nation Health MD designed Doctor-Approved N-Balance 8 using only fresh, pure, natural ingredients that are proven to help:

  • RESTORE deficient cellular nutrients
  • REPAIR & REBUILD myelin sheath insulation
  • CALM overactive nerve signaling
  • IMPROVE mobility and strength
  • OPTIMIZE sleep quality

Don't forget, the ingredients are BASED ON SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH - Click here to learn more.

Nation Health MD stands behind every bottle that goes out the door. You have 365 days to try N-Balance 8 and see the results for yourself risk-free. If you are not 100% satisfied — simply contact us and we will gladly refund your money.


N-Balance 8 was formulated for men and women who suffer from nerve problems and are ready to target the root cause to put an end to the nerve pain nightmare.

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We highly recommend using N-Balance 8 daily for optimal and consistent results. Research shows that these unique nutrients stimulate the regeneration of damaged nerve cells and help alleviate nerve-related discomfort. This breakthrough formula helps repair and reconstruct your entire nervous system's vitality. Get back to living life to the fullest!

Always check with your doctor for risks associated with dietary supplements and your specific health conditions and/or allergies.


If you want to enjoy healthy nerves in your hands and feet, we HIGHLY recommend you STOCK UP and SAVE MORE today with our special 3 or 6-bottle discounted packages of N-Balance 8 to help you stay consistent.

These exclusive packages allow you to take advantage of our lowest possible prices, without the worry of increasing costs and/or additional shipping fees later.

REMEMBER! You have your 365-Day Love It or Your Money Back Guarantee! If it’s not for you, just let us know within 12 months, and you’ll get your money back. That’s our promise to you.


Our formula is crafted using only natural ingredients, carefully selected for their potential benefits.

This product has not been independently tested for efficacy or safety, but each ingredient has been scientifically studied and shown to safely deliver positive results and improve the conditions noted. We prioritize your well-being and comfort. However, as with any new product, individual responses may vary. If you experience any unusual reactions, we recommend discontinuing use and consulting your healthcare provider promptly. Your health and satisfaction are our top priorities.


SUGGESTED USE: As a dietary supplement, take two (2) capsules daily, with a meal and 8 fl oz of water, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Keep out of the reach of children. Do NOT use it if safety seal is damaged or missing. Store in a cool, dry place.

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Right now, you have the chance to take advantage of a HUGE discount and secure your first order of N-Balance 8 for pennies on the dollar. N-Balance 8 is available exclusively on this website, so we have a limited supply. To order, simply select your package and click the ADD TO CART button on this page. You will be redirected to a secure order page where you will add your shipping details and make your payment. STOCK UP with a 90-day supply of 3 bottles or SAVE MORE when you buy a 180-day supply of 6 bottles.


ABSOLUTELY! Feel at ease knowing you can track your order at any time. Once we process your order, you’ll get an email with your confirmation details. If you have any questions, please email us or call our experts 24/7 for assistance. Toll-free at (800) 490-3169, Mon – Sun 24/7. Outside the US, call us at +1-703-584-5395. Email:

365 Days Money Back Guarantee N-Balance 8 bottles


You have 365 days to try N-Balance 8 by Nation Health MD and see the results for yourself risk-free. If you are not 100% satisfied — simply contact us and we will gladly refund your money.

N-Balance 8

N-Balance 8

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